Daily Devotion – Driven By Eternity

Panapa Leuluai – Senior Pastor

“Yet God has made everything beautiful for its own time. He has planted eternity in the human heart, but even so, people cannot see the whole scope of God’s work from beginning to end (Ecc 3:11).”

Live your life driven by eternity.
Don’t waste your days pouring your heart and souls into things that will not make an undying impact. Do not let your faith be shaken by a bad day. What is one day compared to eternity? Remember to look at the big picture. If you will let the blaze of eternity burn in your heart, you will be more than light in the darkness; your faith will be a contagious fire sparking faith in people all around you. Your life lived for God will become a legacy that will still be effective in the hearts of people long before you’re gone. Greatness is yours when eternity reigns on earth through you.
Our King, who loves you for all eternity!

“They share freely and give generously to those in need.
Their good deeds will be remembered forever.
They will have influence and honour (Ps 112:9).”

I pray you live a life that directs people towards Jesus. May all you do be a godly example to others, and may they desire more of the Father by the faithful way you live your life. I pray you will do each act of kindness as if you were doing it directly to Jesus Himself. May you give all for the Lord, holding nothing back, and may you be blessed for your work. I pray you will have the strength to love the unlovable, forgive the unforgiveable and live for that glorious day when you hear “Well done, good and faithful servant.”

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